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Historic Home Tours 2025


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Get the experience of a lifetime with Historic Home Tours! Visit some of the most iconic homes in America and learn about their fascinating histories. Book your tickets today for an unforgettable experience.

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Showcasing History

Historic home sites are a great way to get engaged with the senses and stimulate the mind. They're also a rewarding experience for all ages.
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Historic home sites offer a great way to explore the our past while engaging our senses. Each home offers a feel that can only be encountered during an in person visit. Enjoy a mind stimulating experience that is rewarding for all ages.

When you visit these historic home sites, you're guaranteed to get a rush of excitement. You'll be able to explore each site in depth and learn about the fascinating history behind them.

Book a tour with  Historic Home Tours, Columbus Mississippi where you can have an amazing and interactive experience. Our guided tours will show you the historically preserved homes, inform you about their period-specific operation, while gaining an appreciation of how far we've come as a community. Plus, everyone is welcome - men, women, and children alike! 


This historic home is one of the oldest brick homes in Northeast Mississippi and its architecture is stunning. It is currently under restoration to bring it back to its 1850 glory! Magnificent free standing stairway in the entrance hall and pull down walls in library!


This historic home is one of the oldest brick homes in Northeast Mississippi and its architecture is stunning. It is currently under restoration to bring it back to its 1850 glory! Magnificent free standing stairway in the entrance hall and pull down walls in library!

 Southern Standard of November 12, 1852, carried a lengthy description of the mansion and of a "great festive entertainment" which had occurred during the previous week. An architectural evaluation headed the article:
. . . Our townsman. Colonel Charles McLaran, recently had erected on one of the most eligible and beautiful situations within the limits of our city, a splendid and costly brick mansion, the crowning architectural structure among the many stately edifices, private and public, that adorn our city, and delight the eye of the stranger en passant, - and which, in dimensions and external grandeur - internal arrangements, style and exquisit [sic] finish is, probably, superior to anything of the kind to be found in the Southern States."

Historic Home Tours

Take a Journey April 1st - 13th, 2025

Discover the past and create a strong foundation for the future by exploring, redefining, and growing the community of Columbus, Mississippi! Join us today in our effort to preserve and showcase the heritage and culture of this historical city. Get involved, discover the past and build a brighter future together!

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